Accuracy and timeliness, awareness of sources of origin, methods of acquisition, appearing systematic and non-systematic errors are key factors in planning and conducting of data processing.
Identification of data sources
During last years general data supply was totally changed. That includes spatial data acquired with use of different methods. Imageries, elevation data, statistical data describes almost every single feature of nature, economy and human’s activities. Open and commercially available sources, original and reproductive, of different accuracy and credibility could be applicable in many fields dependently on undertaking’s character and budget. Critical and independent evaluation of applicability and quality of particular data sources is of curtail influence on success of an undertaking.
Data acquisition
If data of quality or timelines required in particular tasks does not exist the solution could be a process of data acquisition. Dependently on needs and field of application techniques applied for data acquisition could cover: terrestrial measurements, local interviews, terrestrial, aerial and satellite Earth observation. High efficiency of current methods of data acquisition allows for operational application continuous monitoring, which means acquiring information on an object or area of interest periodically over a given time period. Processes of data acquisition, besides awareness of methods and operational conditions of data suppliers, require constant control and coordination.
Data processing
In order to prepare data for further analysis collected data needs to be processed, which covers structure, form and format conversion, or adding spatial reference. Data modeling is one of methods falling into domain of data processing. That allows for simplifying of access to information contained by data and acceleration of searching processes. Independently of sources of origin, methods of acquisition, data character and recorded phenomena, their application is tightly connected with processing, proper planning, control and conducting of which are necessary for extraction of information of interest.
Data processed into required form becomes an object of analysis, could be used in fusion with other sources of data. The result of analysis is information on phenomena, their character and dynamic.
Remote Sensing
It is a set of methods of examination of objects without a physical contact. In domain of geography they are elements of elements of environment, both natural and anthropogenic. Data could be acquired terrestrially, aerially or by satellite sensors. Sensors are passive (mainly optical systems, recording visible light spectrum, but also UV and infrared radiation, including thermal IR) and active (mainly microwave imaging SAR scanners). The most important methods in remote sensing are image classification, allowing for elaboration of land cover maps, and generation of indices, basing on spectral data, providing information on very important features of objects, like rocks compositions or plants condition. Real value of remote sensing reveals when one faces with necessity of provision reliable, objective and up-to-date information for noticeable area or systematic access to the newest information on area of interest.
It is drawing from surveying basics measurement technique, which characterizes with ability of acquiring information about dimensions and location of an object without a physical contact with it. Usually photogrammetry applies useful also in remote sensing aerial and satellite imageries. Thanks to photogrammetric techniques it is possible to geometrically process imageries into a form of orthoimageries. Photogrammetry has also its own technologies, between of which the most popular is LIDAR, which stands for scanner using laser beams for measurement. Each of techniques has its own accuracy, possible to achieve level of details, their efficiencies differ too. Selection of proper method is curtail for success and profitability of undertakings basing on their applications.
Spatial analysis - GIS
Their cover processes aiming at extraction of information on the base of spatial datasets with use of information on objects location and their mutual spatial relations, dimensions but also many other important features. Often fusion of multisource data is applied (i.e. joining of results of imageries classification with terrestrially collected data). Countless techniques, variants, procedures, approaches require experience and usually a dose of creativity, but results achieved thanks to their application are unmatched and allows for gaining knowledge unavailable using other means.
Information requires delivery to recipients or injection into IT systems supporting decision making process. In each of this cases proper form of transmission and interface are necessary..
Digital and printed maps
Traditional means of cartographic presentation continuously find their place in many professional domains as well as common applications. Maps presenting different content could be provided as hard copies, print ready graphical files or forms of infographics, oriented at transmission of particular information under defined conditions to strictly defined target group. Recognition of this circumstances and knowledge and experience in cartographic presentation domain allows for fulfillment of varied requirements.
Geoportals and mobile applications
Popular currently geoportals basing on content being provided by spatial data servers have found their application, not only as medium transferring spatial information, but also as an efficient tool for data manipulation. Geoportals allow data processing, execution of queries and elaboration of users defined map compositions and finally downloading of data thanks to specialized web services. Even wider capabilities are being brought by mobile devises, where using satellite positioning it is possible to refer provided content to operator’s location. Skills of recognition of customers’ needs, capabilities of tools, and content of informational resources allow for creation of optimal solutions.
Programing interfaces
Important way of information transfer are programing interfaces allowing for communication between IT systems or their components. Commonly databases are being mutually integrated, as well as databases and analytical tools. Specific group of programming interfaces consist of spatial web services. They were popularized thanks to an obligation of their implementation in EU. Thanks to integration of sources of spatial information with management supporting systems of enterprises or decision support systems it is possible to increase situational awareness what allows for more conscious actions.
Knowledge gains measurable value only in the moment of becoming a basis for decision. Planning of decision making processes requires familiarity of nature and meaning of acquired knowledge.
Public administration
Creating and supporting optimal conditions for citizens and institutions public administration is necessary on every level, from European Union to a municipality. Majority of administrative decisions is referred to localization or areas of responsibility. Decisions should be based on up-to-date and possibly complete knowledge taking into account initial conditions and potential consequences. Usage of spatial information resources and proper methods of harmonization and integration of public registers allows for coordination of administrative institutions of all kinds acting in the same territory of responsibility. Only, when decisions are being made on the base of objective, up-to-date and reliable information, the administration could be described as efficient.
Every domain of economic activity reveals some spatial context. Each of them, from power engineering and transport, through industry, retail and services, to forestry and agriculture application of up-to-date, reliable knowledge referred spatially leads to increase of efficiency and decrease of costs. Typical analytical procedures supporting business allows for optimizing retail network location in relation to target markets, optimization of supply chains or soon reveal of threats for crops giving a chance for rapid reaction. Basic level of costs decrease being result of optimization utilizing spatial information is between 20% and 40%, whilst unfavorably placed service point or convenient store can destroy a chance for profitability of a business undertaking.
Deference and security
Up-to-date information on existence of threats, their character and strength coupled with knowledge on features of own area of responsibility is necessary for decision making process in the field of defense and security. Thanks to great supply of satellite EO data, not only those dedicated for military reconnaissance, it is possible to conduct inference applicable in building and adjustment of defense doctrines and operational and tactical undertakings. Besides capability of processing and analysis of dedicated data, it is important to extract information from not typical sources. Also in domain of civil security and safety every source of information could be valuable, than procedures of validation and integration multisource information are not possible to overestimate.